Monday 14 March 2016

Plant Tissues

Like other organisms, plant cells are grouped into various tissues. These networks can be simple, consisting of a single cell type, or complex, which consists of more than one type of cell.
Dermal Tissue
Dermal tissue system consists of epidermis and periderm.
The epidermis is generally a tightly packed layer of cells. It’s a good cover and protect plants. It can be considered a “skin.” Plants. Depending on the plant parts that are covered, dermal tissue system can be specialized to a certain extent.
For example, a plant leaf epidermis issued layer called the cuticle which helps plants retain water. The epidermis of plant leaves and stems also contain pores called stomata. Guard cells of the epidermis regulate gas exchange between plants and the environment by controlling the size of the stomata.
Periderm, also called skin, replace the epidermis in plants that experienced secondary growth. Periderm layered as opposed to the single-layered epidermis. It consists of cells of cork (phellem), phelloderm, and phellogen (cork cambium). Cork cell is a living cell that covers the outside of the trunk and roots to protect and provide insulation for the plants. Periderm protect plants from pathogens, wound, preventing excessive water loss, and insulating plants.
Ground Tissue
Basic network system to synthesize organic compounds, supports plant and provide storage for the plant. It is mostly composed of parenchymal cells but also may include some kolenkim and skerenkim cells as well. Parenchyma cells synthesize and store organic products in the plant. Most of the plant metabolism occurs in the cells. Parenchyma cells in controlling leaf photosynthesis. Collenchyma cells have the support functions in plants, especially in young plants. These cells help to support the growth of plants, though not hold due to lack of secondary wall and a hardening agent in the absence of their main walls. Sclerenchyma cells also have a support function in plants, but unlike collenchyma cells, they have a hardening agent and a much stiffer.
Vascular Tissue
Xylem and phloem throughout the plant formed a vascular network system. They allow water and other nutrients to be transported to all parts of the plant. Xylem is composed of two types of cells known as trakeid and elements of the ship (vessel). Tracheids and vessel elements form a tubular structure that provides a pathway for water and minerals to travel from the roots to the leaves. While trakeid found in all vascular plants, the vessel is found only in angiosperms
Plant Growth
Areas in which plants can grow through mitosis is called meristem. Plants undergo two types of growth, the growth of primary and / or secondary. In the primary growth, stems and roots of plants elongate cell enlargement as opposed to the production of new cells. Primary growth occurs in an area called the apical meristem. Type of growth allows the plant to improve and extend the length of the roots deeper into the soil. All primary plant growth. Plants that undergo secondary growth, such as trees, has a lateral meristem that produces new cells. The new cells increases the thickness of the stems and roots. Lateral meristem consists of the vascular cambium and the cork cambium. It is the vascular cambium is responsible for producing the xylem and phloem cells. Cork cambium formed in mature plants and produce skin.

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