Monday 14 March 2016

Genetic Code

RNA containing the nucleotide adenine, guanine, cytosine and uracil (U). When three continuous nucleotide or amino acid code to signal the beginning or the end of protein synthesis, this set is known as a codon. This set of triplet gives instructions for the production of amino acids. The amino acids are linked together to form proteins.

In DNA the pairing is : Adenine-Thymine, Guanine-Cytosine
In RNA the pairing is : Adenine-Uracil, Guanine-Cytosine
NukleotidaNucleotides are molecules that form an important part of RNA and DNA, making them essential for every organism on Earth. Special molecules are also involved in enzyme reactions in the body, the production of chemical energy, and cell signaling.
Three separate molecules come together to make nucleotides. The first is a base that can be a purine or pyrimidine compounds. Bases attached to the pentose sugar, sugar has five carbon atoms, to create a nucleoside. Nucleosides in turn joined by a phosphate group, creating nucleotide. In the case of RNA, the sugar is ribose sugar, creating a ribonucleotide, and in DNA, the sugar is deoxyribose sugar, creating a deoxyribonucleotide
Genetic Code: Codon
RNA codon designate a particular amino acid. The order of bases in the codon determining the amino acid sequence to be produced. One of the four nucleotides in the RNA can occupy one of the three codon positions are possible. Therefore, there are 64 possible combinations of codons. Sixty-one codons specify amino acids and three (UAA, UAG, UGA) serves as a stop signal to designate the end of protein synthesis.
AUG codons coding for the amino acid methionine and serves as the starting signal for the start of translation. Some codons can also specify the same amino acid. For example, the codons UCU, UCC, UCA, UCG, AGU, and AGC all determine serine. List of RNA codon table below is a combination of codons and amino acids that have been determined. How to read the table, if uracil (U) is in the first codon position, adenine (A) in the second, and cytosine (C) in the third, refers UAC codon amino acid tyrosine. Abbreviations and names of all 20 amino acids are listed below.
Kode Genetik
Genetic Code: Mutation
A gene mutation is a change in the sequence of nucleotides in DNA. These changes may affect a single nucleotide pair or a larger segment of the chromosome. Changing the order of nucleotides are most often produce proteins that do not function. This is because changes in the nucleotide sequence of a codon change. If codon changes, amino acids and proteins synthesized thus will not be a party that is encoded in the sequence of the original gene. Gene mutations can be generally categorized into two types: point mutations and insertions or deletions of base pairs. Point mutations in a single nucleotide change. Base pair insertion or deletion occurs when the nucleotide is inserted into or removed from the original gene sequence. Gene mutations are most often the result of two types of events. First, environmental factors such as chemicals, radiation, and ultraviolet rays from the sun can cause mutations. Second, mutations can also be caused by mistakes made during cell division (mitosis and meiosis).

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