Monday 14 March 2016

Animal and Plant Cell

The cell is the smallest unit of life, and there are microscopic in nature, meaning that they can not be seen with the naked eye. Cell discovered in 1665 by Robert Hooke and is named for the little guy with the “cell” (rooms) at a monastery.

Robert Hooks cell (rooms)
There are two types of cells, cells of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Prokaryotic cells is independent in nature, such as bacteria and archaea. On the other hand, the cells of all multi-cellular creature is a eukaryotic cell. Both animal cells and plant cells are eukaryotic cells, but they have a different structure.
The main difference between animal cells and plant cells is that plant cells have a cell wall, where animal cells do not have it. The cell walls are composed of cellulose provides rigidity plant cell to produce a fixed shape that is rectangular shape.
Animal cells do not have the rigidity then, they tend to have a rounded shape and irregular.
Animal cells tend to be highly variable in appearance. The cell walls allow to withstand high pressure in plant cells without exploding. Because of this, the plant cell is capable of receiving a large amount of fluid through osmosis without exploding. Animal cells, which have only a thin membrane that restricts access to the cell, tend to explode if they absorb too much extra water.
Plant cells have large central vacuole that stores a mixture of water, nutrients, and waste. A plant cell vacuoles can make 90% of the cell volume. Large central vacuole basically save water. What happens when the plant is not getting enough water? In animal cells, vacuoles much smaller.
Both animal cells and plant cells have a nucleus that is clear, which contains the chromosomes. Nuclei are protected and surrounded by cytoplasm, aqueous liquid or gel-like holding all the organelles in place. Cytoplasm, in turn held by the cell membrane.
However, all animal cells have centrioles while only some form of lower plants have it. In addition, plant cells tend to have a large central vacuole which could take up to 90% of the cell volume. Animal cells tend to have one or more small vacuoles. Vacuoles containing waste material, water, and nutrients that can be used or removed as necessary. In plant cells, vacuoles store water and maintain cell turgidity. In animal cells, they store water, ion and waste.
Animal cell and Plant cell organelles

  • Nucleus stores genetic information.
  • Vacuole is required for storage.
  • Lysosomes recycle waste.
  • Cytoskeleton gives the cell shape.
  • Ribosomes produce proteins.
  • Rough ER is covered with ribosomes and make proteins, whereas the smooth ER makes lipids.
  • Golgi apparatus modify protein.
  • Plant and animal cells are different, plant cell has a large central vacuole, whereas animals cell have smaller or no vacuoles.
  • Plant cells also have cell walls and plastids, while animal cells are not.

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