Monday 14 March 2016

Momentum, Impulse, and Collision

Momentum can be defined as the multiplication of the mass of the object to the speed of the object. It is a derivative of the magnitude of mass, length, and time. Momentum is the amount of derivatives that arise due to moving heavy things. In physics magnitude of this derivative is denoted by the letter “P”. Here’s the formula momentum
P = m V
P = momentum (kg.m.s-1)
m = mass of the object (kg)
V = velocity (M: S-1)
From the above formula can be summed up momentum in the momentum of an object will be even greater if the greater its mass and velocity. This also applies vice versa, the smaller the mass or speed of an object it will be the lesser momentum. Physics know the name of law eternity momentum reads
“The momentum before and after the collision will always be the same”
Suppose there are two things that have the speed and mass of each collide and after the collision of each object has a different pace then according to the law of conservation of momentum
m1 U1 + m2 U2 = m1 V1 + V2 m2
example :
110 kg boy running at a constant speed 72 km / h. calculate the momentum produced.
the speed should be in m/s, 72 km/h = 72000/3600 = 20 m/s
P = 110 x 20 = 2220 kg m/s
impulse is multiplying the force (F) with a time interval (t). Impuls work early so as to make an object move and has momentum. Mathematically impulse can be formulated:
I = F Δt
I = impulse (Nt)
F = force (N)
t = time (s)
example :
Wayne Rooney took a free kick in the line of the opponent’s penalty area. If he kicked with force of 300 N and feet in contact with the ball in time of 0.15 second. Calculate how much impulse produced.
I = F.Δ t
I = 300. 0.15 = 45 N s
Perfectly Elastic Collision
Two objects, practically having a perfectly elastic collision when there is no loss of kinetic energy when the collision occurred. The kinetic energy of the same before and after the collision as well as the momentum of the system. In a perfectly elastic collision mathematically be formulated
V1 + V1 ‘= V2 + V2’
elastic Collision
Two objects collision is said to have resilience in part if there is a loss of kinetic energy after the collision. Mathematically speed of each object before and after the collision can be seen in the following formula
eV1 + V1 = eV2 + V2
e in the equation above is coefficient of restitution whose value moves between 0 and 1. An example of the impact resiliency is most commonly encountered basketball falling and bouncing repeatedly until it stops. Because there is a high value e then bounce so high is lower than the original.
inelastic Collision
Two objects is said to be completely inelastic collision after collision the two bodies into one and after the collision between the two objects have the same speed. Momentum before and after the collision is also worth the same. Mathematically formulated
m1U1 + m2U2 = (m1 + m2) V
Examples of these collision events often encountered in ballistic swing.
A 20 gram mass of bullets, fired on a beam on a swing ballistic mass of 1 kg. If the bullet stuck on the block until they reach a maximum height of 25 cm. What is the speed of the bullet first bullet?
mv = (m + M) √2gh
0,02.v = (0.02 + 1) √2.10.0,25
0,02.v = 1.02 √5
v = (1.02 + √5) / 0.02
v = 162.8 m / s

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